1. Squat to Knee-Up Twist
Stand with legs shoulder-width apart and feet parallel, arms behind head. Squat while keeping heels down, back straight, and abs tight/engaged. Return to standing position and bring right knee up while twisting torso to right. Do 20 reps alternating sides.
2. Plank Hold
Get into low plank (push-up position with forearms on floor and hands stretched out). Keep abs and glutes tight/engaged. Hold for 40 seconds.
3. Plank Ladders
Get into high plank (push-up position). While keeping body straight and abs engaged, bring right knee toward chest without touching leg or foot to ground. Return to plank and repeat with left knee. Do 20 reps alternating sides.
Perform all 3 exercises without rest in between. Once done, take a 60 second rest/water break, then repeat.